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Service Project for St. John


Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 685 is located in Pflugerville, Texas, and is proud to be affiliated with St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church (UCC) since 2002.
We are a boy-run, adult-guided, non-denominational organization dedicated to the Boy Scouts of America's mission statement. "The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law."
We have outlined some basic information about our Troop below, but we also have a welcome letter that is sent out to all new Scouts and families to provide more information.

Troop Meetings:
Our Troop meetings are on Monday nights from 7:00pm - 8:15pm at the Parish hall on the Church grounds.
17701 Cameron Rd.
Pflugerville, TX. 78664
We meet weekly, except for the Monday following our outdoor camping events. The first Monday of the month is our Patrol Leader's Council (PLC). We are a full-year Troop; we continue to meet and have activities over the summer months when school is not in session.
Our Troop meetings are broken into 3 main sections:
- A Troop activity time where the entire Troop focuses on instruction for a scout skill.
- Patrol time where the patrols may practice a scout skill, prepare meal plans for upcoming camp outs, or work on any other patrol activities.
- A merit badge time where merit badges are offered during the Troop meeting.

Private Land in Jewett
Green Dickson
Private Land in Smithville
Granger Lake
Goose Island State Park
Krause Springs
Brazos Bend State Park
Georgetown Lake
Camp Alma Henry
Monthly Camp outs:
Our Troop goes on Camping trips once a month, throughout the year. The boys decide where they go, what they eat and what they will accomplish. Some locations include:
Annual Summer Camp:
Typically our first-year Scouts attend summer camp at the same location as our mid-level Scouts. The first-year Scouts follow a program allowing them to work on their Ranks and a few merit badges. The second & third-year Scouts focus primarily on merit badges. Our older Scouts look toward more High-Adventure activities, such as Philmont, Rocky Mountain High Adventure, Sea Base, the Grand Canyon, a 50-mile canoe trip down the Missouri River, etc. In-State summer camps are around $300. Out-of-State summer camps will depend on location and activity. They could be upwards of 2-3 times more than in-State. (e.g. San Isabel average cost $530/ea all inclusive).

We use the 4 steps to advancement
The Scout Learns
The Scout is Tested
The Scout is Reviewed
- The Scout is Recognized is used to track advancement, send out communication, and event planning.
We have many Committee Members, Leaders, and Parents that are Merit Badge Counselors.
Scouts can pass of Requirements, conduct a Scoutmaster conference, and hold a Board of Review during Troop meetings. Special arrangements can be made on non-Troop meeting nights for a Scout to meet with Leaders.
First Year Scouts will mainly work on Rank requirements. Every Scout advances at different rates. It's not our intention to push Scouts through the program simply to get to the First Class Rank as fast as possible. Instead, we have found that if a Scout attends multiple campouts within the first year and works closely with their Troop Guide, they will naturally advance without pressure.
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